Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement

 2018 - 2023




 Agriculture, Environment, Food and nutrition, Rural and urban development

Services contrat-cadre pour la mise en œuvre de l'aide extérieure (FWC SIEA 2018) - Gestion durable des ressources naturelles et résilience

The objective of the FWC is to provide, via individual assignments defined and contracted through Specific Contracts, expertise which can be mobilised at short notice. The expertise may be required at any stage of the project cycle (except financial audits) and may cover the following sectors related to Sustainable management of natural resources and resilience:
1.1. Crop production, storage, conservation, transformation, and marketing /value chains
1.2. Vegetable, fruit and cash crop production storage, conservation, transformation and marketing /value chains
1.3. Legal aspects
1.4. Alternative production systems (organic farming, agroforestry, permaculture)
2. Livestock
2.1. Livestock regeneration plans
2.2. Veterinary, animal health, animal identification, quarantine and border inspection posts
2.3. Trade of animal products
2.4. Production, conservation, storage and marketing of animal products
2.5. Legal aspects
3. Sustainable Forestry management and conservation
3.1. Forest inventories, forest management plans, forest establishment and plantation management
3.2. Agroforestry, community and environmental development programmes
3.3. Strategic and operational resource development and wood supply plans
3.4. Forestry industry development plans
4. Fishery and aquaculture
4.1. Marine and fresh water aquaculture
4.2. Assessment of fish stocks and sustainable fish resources exploitation
4.3. Legal aspects
5. Land management
5.1. Land use planning, Land information systems and applications,
5.2. Land reform policies
5.3. Land registration and cadastre, Land market development, estate economic assessments
6. Food security & nutrition
6.1. Assessment of national stocks
6.2. National statistics on food production
6.3. Forecasts of famine and early warning systems
6.4. Transitory and chronic food insecurity
6.5. Nutrition
7. Food safety
7.1. Tracing, food control
7.2. Legal aspects
8. Extension/Training/Human Resources Development/Institutional development
8.1. Extension services
8.2. Training of personnel
8.3. Sectoral organisations (farmers, producers, traders)
8.4. Institutional strengthening
9. Rural Infrastructure
9.1. Rural infrastructure planning, development and rehabilitation (Market infrastructure, irrigation and drainage, etc.)
10. Climate Change
10.1. Climate change: resilience, adaptation and mitigation
11. Sustainable Natural Resource management
11.1. Sustainable management and protection of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems (soil erosion/salinization/fertility, national parks ecosystem protection, fight against desertification, etc.)
11.2. Sustainable Water management including planning (e.g. integrated river basin management), supply, waste water treatment (incl. waste water reuse and energy generation)
11.3. Environmental protection
11.4. Pollution including chemicals, plastics, waste, air pollution and greenhouse gases emissions
11.5. Green economy (incl. sustainable and resource efficient production and consumption), Blue Economy
11.6. Ocean governance including marine/coastal zones protection
12. Disaster Risk Reduction
12.1. Disaster Risk Reduction, including climate and environmental risks/disaster management
The expertise may cover any geographic area in the world, either inside or outside the EU.
The Specific Terms of Reference (Specific ToR), which form part of each Specific Contract, shall describe the objectives and required outputs of each individual assignment.


 CAPA EEIG (managed by Particip) (Lead), AAH, adelphi, AETS, AHT GROUP AG, Bureau Veritas Living Resources, CA17, CABI, CACG, ELLE, EMI (formerly: Cardno Belgium), Expertise Advisors (formerly: ETI Consulting), Indufor Oy - Metsahallitus Group, LDK, Megapesca (PT), Particip, Ramboll Danmark, Ramboll Deutschland