Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement

 2015 - 2016




 Latin America & Caribbean


 Communication & media

Support to visibility and communication actions presenting the results and impact of EU Development Cooperation in Latin America and Caribbean

In the frame of the communication strategy for the European Year of Development 2015, several events were designed and organised in order to inform EU citizens about development cooperation of the EU. In relation to the EU-Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) cooperation, a summit (CELAC) was held in June, 2015.
This assignment contributed to raise awareness among EU and LAC citizens about the EU's development cooperation in the region. It propvided support to the CELAC summit and its side events.
The project activities aimed at:
  • Providing the European citizens mainly, but also citizens from partner countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, with basic and attractive information on the impact and results of the bilateral and regional programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Showing the benefits that EU cooperation programmes in Latin America and Caribbean bring to aid recipients and EU citizens.
  • Providing communication and visibility support to the EU – CELAC related side events scheduled for 2015, and particularly to the EU – CELAC Business Summit (10 June 2015, Brussels).


 Particip (Lead), GOPA COM.