Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement

 2022 - 2023






 Governance, Human rights, Institutional development, Monitoring & Evaluation

Evaluation of Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) in Finland’s Development Policy and Cooperation

The evaluation of human rights-based approach in Finland’s development policy and cooperation informed the Ministry on how HRBA has been applied in development cooperation during 2019-2021, how the approach could be implemented more effectively, and what its linkages with risk management are. The main users were the Ministry, the Development Policy Committee, different partners, actors and stakeholders.
The evaluation used a realist perspective, with contribution analysis providing an overall approach. A Theory of Change was developed. Context case studies covered long-term partnerships (Tanzania, Mozambique); HRBA in transition contexts (Zambia, Kenya, Vietnam) and HRBA in conflict contexts (Somalia, Kenya, Palestine).
Thematic cases on “Innovations and trends towards transformational development cooperation”; “HRBA in partnering with multilaterals”; “HRBA in severe headwinds” and “From cross-cutting objectives to HRBA, lessons from disability interventions” were completed. In addition to document review, over 250 interviews, three focus group discussions, and an e-survey among partners were undertaken. A separate component of the evaluation was the use of data science techniques for analysing documents.


 Niras Finland Oy (Lead), Particip