Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement






Elaboration of Methodologies and Audit Guidelines for the "Strengthening of the Government Control System of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Paraguay"

The "Strengthening of the Government Control System" Project had the objective of improving the performance of government control in Paraguay through the development of the regulations and operational methodology of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR), complying with international standards and aligned with the regulations and methodology of Internal Control. Furthermore it aimed at strenghtening the capacities of the CGR staff in control tasks sensitizing and public officials of State Agencies and Entities, as well as expanding and improving the technological capabilities of the CGR. The Project was structured into three components:
1. Normative and methodological development,
2. Technical training and sensitization, and
3. Strengthening of Technological Capacities.
The contracted consultancy was mainly framed in Component 1, which aims to support the normative and methodological development of Paraguay's control framework.
The objective of the consultancy was: To provide the Comptroller General of the Republic with methodological guidelines for the execution of the audit work carried out by the institution in compliance with the functions established in the National Constitution. The guidelines were based on the Paraguayan Government Auditing Standards (NAGUPY), and considered the Audit Manual (MAGUP) for the implementation of government control. They also were aligned with the International Standards on Auditing for Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI), considered the Integrated Audit Control System (SICA) and also took into account the elements set out in the latest version of the COSO for the evaluation of the Internal Control System.