Référence de projet


Durée de l'engagement

 2017 - 2021





Evaluation Management Services

The Evaluation Management Services (EMS) was a service contract which consisted in the implementation of strategic level and policy evaluations, meta-evaluations and syntheses of centralized and decentralized evaluations for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA). It corresponded to a new commissioning model that is based on evaluation services commissioned to one service provider rather than outsourcing the implementation of each evaluation as a single assignment. The purpose of this assignment was to increase the quality of outsourced evaluations and also to increase flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Finland in planning and commissioning evaluations. In addition to a number of decentralised evaluations from various geographical units, all MFA centralised evaluations were prepared and implemented through the EMS.
The evaluations that were implemented under this service contract are the following:
  • 2017-2018 Evaluation on Improvement of Women’s and Girls' Rights in Finland's Development Policy and Co-operation (2012-2017)
  • 2017-2018 Meta-evaluation of project and programme evaluations (2015-2017)
  • 2018 Analysis of centralised evaluations
  • 2018 Review on Human Rights Based Approach in Finland's Development Policy
  • 2018 Evaluation of the Finnish Fund for Industrial Cooperation Ltd.
  • 2018-2019 Evaluation of the Agriculture, Rural Development and Forest Sector programmes in Africa
  • 2018-2019 Evaluation on Forced Displacement and Finnish Development Policy (2012-2018)
  • 2018-2019Evaluation: How do we learn, manage and make decisions in Finland´s development policy and cooperation?
  • 2019 Mid-Term Evaluation: Rural Village Water Resources Management Project Phase III
  • 2019-2020 Evaluation of Finnish Development Policy Influencing Activities in Multilateral Organisations
  • 2019-2020 Evaluation of Finland's Country Strategy Modality in Fragile Situations
  • 2020-2021 Evaluation on Economic Development, Job Creation and Livelihoods
The evaluation reports are available here: https://um.fi/development-cooperation-evaluation-reports-comprehensive-evaluation


 Particip (Lead), Niras Finland Oy