Project reference


Contract duration

 2017 - 2021




 Sierra Leone


 Communication & media, Governance, Institutional development, Project implementation / Technical Assistance, Training

Technical Assistance in support to the Office of the National Authorising Officer (NAO)

The overall objective of the Project/Financing Agreement wass to contribute to sustainable inclusive growth and poverty reduction in Sierra Leone, as outlined in the National Agenda for Prosperity, through effective delivery of EU cooperation in line with Paris Declaration, the Accra Agenda and the EU’s commitments to the Busan New Deal.
The specific purpose of this contract was to strengthen the capacity of the National Authorising Officer Office (NAO office) to efficiently execute its mandate as stated in the Cotonou Partnership Agreement.
Furthermore, the Contractor achieved the following results:
  • Continued greater understanding and improved utilisation of the rules, regulations and procedures applicable to the delivery of EU development assistance (EDF) by the staff of the NAO office, MDAs and relevant stakeholders
  • Continued efficient office and management information systems (MIS) and effective tracking and monitoring system for all projects, programme estimates and contracts are in place and staff is trained in their utilisation
  • Continued enhancement of the capacity of the NAO to participate proactively on strategic issues such as programming, coordination, reviews and dialogue with other MDAs, and relevant stakeholders, including non-state-actors (NSA)


 Particip (Lead), EMI (formerly: Cardno Belgium)