Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2017





Mid-Term Review of 'Support to the Implementation of the Action Plan and the Association Agreement Programme' (SAAP)'

The global objective of this assignment was to carry out a Mid-Term Review (MTR) of SAAP III (n°ENPI/2009/20492) and SAAP IV (n°ENPI/2010/21871). The MTR provided the Government of Egypt, institutional counterparts and the European Union (EU) with an overall independent assessment presenting sufficient information to make an informed judgement about the performance of the project (its efficiency, effectiveness and the likelihood for the project to achieve its stated objectives), and to take decisions about any required adjustments for the last two years of implementation.
The specific objectives of the MTR were:
  • To conduct a comprehensive review of the performance of the project to assess key elements of efficiency, effectiveness, and potential sustainability.
  • To identify lessons learnt and to make recommendations for the improvement of the project performance.
  • To assess whether the project is on track to achieve its outcomes and impact, and make recommendations for an exit strategy that would ensure sustainability of the outcomes after the completion of the project.


 Particip (Lead), GOPA