Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2018






 Justice/Rule of Law

Identification and formulation of the third phase of the Justice Reform Support Program (JRSP 3)

The general objective of this contract was to assist the EU Delegation in Tunisia in the identification (phase 1) and the formulation (phase 2) of a budget support program for the implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan for the Reform of Justice, thus complementing JRSP I and II.
The program was to contribute to the reform of justice in order to reaffirm the independence of the justice and to enhance its effectiveness in the provision of public services to Tunisian citizens.
Specific objectives:
To draw up an inventory of the progress made in the implementation of the Strategy for Reform of Justice 2016-2020. This was based on the consolidation of the achievements of phases I and II of the JRSP. Other areas of justice were also covered in this new program, including civil and commercial justice. Moreover, administrative and financial justice underwent major reforms under the new provisions of the 2014 Constitution. Budget support also included technical assistance / institutional support as well as support to society so as to speed up the planned reforms.
Following the identification of the areas of intervention and in agreement with the beneficiary authorities, the mission formulated the support program in detail, demonstrating its relevance and consistency with policy objectives and instruments of the EU and the country, its feasibility, its complementarity with the actions of other donors, as well as with projects already underway or planned by the EU. The missionl drafted all the documents necessary for the implementation of the action.


 Particip (Lead), ADE