Identification and Formulation of Support to West Africa Peace, Security and Stability: Complementary action combatting other main threats
This assignment provided a coherent proposal to ECOWAS and EU for the strengthening of coordination and cooperation in security in West Africa and the implementation of programmes dealing with specific threats.
It gave sufficient background information and justifications to enable the ECOWAS and EU to make an informed decision on specific objectives and of the projects' implementation modalities.
The specific objective of this assignment was to prepare all the necessary elements of 4 different Action Documents to implement 4 potential projects covering respectively areas A, B, C and D.(Area A: Border Management, Area B: Enhancing Cybersecurity in ECOWAS region, Area C: Support to GIABA, Area D: Fighting against illicit trafficking).
For each area A,B,C and D, it was required to proceed to:
- an identification of issues, strategical orientations and priority intervention areas
- a formulation of the project under 11th EDF (Phase II).