Project reference


Contract duration

 2018 - 2022





Support for programme implementation of the OPSYS information system

Deliver and make operational a new information system (OPSYS) replacing inter alia the existing information system called CRIS (Common Relex Information system) system, addressing gaps, supporting the new DG DEVCO, NEAR, FPI and European Commission strategies as well as engaging in a business transformation starting with the harmonisation/simplification of business processes.
The purpose of this contract is:
1. Provide support to the business owner (system owner) in areas covered by the OPSYS
programme and in line with the Commission PM2 standards for:
a) Business management in terms of inter alia requirements, tests, process management;
b) Programme management;
c) Change management;
d) Provision of ad hoc long term and short term expertise


 Everis Belgium (Lead), Particip