Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2017






 Humanitarian aid, Public finance/budgeting

Compliance reviews of the IDP IV budget support conditions for variable tranche III and IV

The Financing Agreement ENPI/2011/022-671 (IDP IV) foresees under its Chapter 3, 'Monitoring, Evaluation and Audit' for the Budget support component, that the Programme will be externally reviewed prior to the release of the second, third, fourth and fifth instalments, to assess compliance with the conditions for releases. These external reviews have been and will be timed to meet the indicative disbursement schedule and have been and will be carried out by independent teams of experts specifically engaged for this purpose, to verify the indicators for disbursement and assess compliance with conditions.
The global objective of this contract was to implement the Monitoring and Evaluation provisions of the Financing Agreement IDP IV (Support to conflict affected/displaced population and host communities in Georgia) and have compliance reviews of budget support conditions undertaken by independent teams of experts.
The specific objective of this contract was to carry out the compliance reviews of the budget support conditions under Addendum 1 and Addendum 2 of the IDP IV program, in order to assess the level of disbursement for the 4th (3rd variable tranche) and 5th (4th variable tranches) Budget Support tranches against their General and Specific conditions.