Evaluation of EIDHR CBSS Projects in Georgia financed from budget 2012-2013
The global objective was to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the impact and sustainability of outcomes of the EIDHR CBSS programme in the period 2012-2013 in Georgia, in order to provide the Delegation with recommendations concerning strategic programming and operational choices for designing EIDHR in the future.
The specific objective were:
1. To assist the programme as whole on outcomes and their sustainability and on overall programme impact;
2. To provide an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the current programming and operating modalities of the Programme and their capacity to achieve stated objectives;
3. To make strategic recommendations aimed at improving impact (e.g. choice of priorities, choice of sectors, operating modalities, etc.) including identification of opportunities for increased complementarity with other EU-funded instruments and programmes.
Particip (Lead), EPRD