Project reference


Contract duration

 2017 - 2022






 Governance, Institutional development, Macro-economic/ National policy, Monitoring & Evaluation, Public finance/budgeting, Training

Evaluation and monitoring of the Sector reform contract for Public administration reform and public finance management

The objective of the contract was to support the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia and the Beneficiaries to ensure the timely, efficient and effective implementation of the Public Administration Sector Reform Contract to be implemented under the IPA 2015 national programme. In particular terms, the project: 1) assessed compliance of the Beneficiaries with the General and Specific Conditions for the release of fixed and variable tranches as set out in the Policy Matrix for the Sector Budget Support component of the Public Administration Reform and Public Finance Management Sector Reform Contract and 2) provided recommendations to the EU Delegation to the Republic of Serbia concerning the value of the tranches to be disbursed.


 Particip (Lead), ADELANTE, Integration