Establishment and operation of the Water Sector Regulatory Council (Wastewater and desalination monitoring program)
Global Objectives
The overall aim of this project / assignment is to ensure water and wastewater service quality and efficiency to consumers in Palestine at affordable prices.
Specific Objectives
The specific objectives of project / assignment were:
SO1: Conduct a baseline survey on the existing wastewater and desalination systems and operations in Palestine
SO2: Develop monitoring indicators, tools and procedures for wastewater and desalination in Palestine
The Palestinian Water Law of 2014 has established the WSRC. The overall aim of the WSRC was to ensure water and wastewater service quality and efficiency to consumers in Palestine at affordable prices. The WSRC’s role is to monitor operational processes related to water and those of wastewater management including wastewater collection, treatment and disposal, and reuse of treated wastewater for irrigation.
To be in full readiness the WSRC needs some other tools to be completed including the establishment of baseline data and situational report on the operational processes of water and wastewater (WW) services.
The WSRC has already prepared a number of tools for water related activities, but not for wastewater or desalination operations. In addition, the Council is to set the necessary quality standards for WW and desalination (DS) water services.
As part of its support to the WSRC, EU funded a project to develop and enhance the Council's capacity, through the development of performance indicators, as well as standards and tools for WW and DS water services.
Particip (Lead), GEOtest NL