Chapeau Contract for the Evaluation of the Common Implementing Regulation (CIR), Evaluation of the Development Co-operation Instrument (DCI), Evaluation of Greenland Decision (GD), Coherence Report on the External Financial Instruments and Co-ordination
The Chapeau contract concerned the external financing instruments (EFIs) of the European Union. It was an overarching contract comprising several individual external financing instrument evaluations, a Coherence Report of the EFIs, and the process of co-ordination across all the EFIs.
The objective of each of the individual EFI evaluations was:
- to provide the relevant external relations services of the European Union and the wider public with an independent assessment of the European Union's EFIs, including complementarities/synergies between the given EFI and each of the other EFIs.
- to inform the programming and implementation of the current EFIs, as well as the next generation of the EFIs.
The deliverables of the Chapeau contract were as follows:
- the Development Co-operation Instrument (DCI) Evaluation Report.
- the Greenland Decision (GD) Evaluation Report.
The DCI and GD are two instruments in the set of EFIs which together form the multi-annual financing package for the programming cycle 2014 – 2020.
- the Common Implementing Regulation (CIR) Evaluation Report. The CIR is an 'umbrella' regulation which brings together the implementing rules for the following instruments – DCI, ENI, EIDHR, PI, IcSP, IPA II. The Greenland Decision and INSC follow these rules as well.
- a Coherence Report of the EFIs. The report showed to what extent the existing instruments were, when considered together, still adapted to the evolving international context and still contribute to a consistent Union external action.
- Co-ordination.The objective of the co-ordination tasks was to ensure a reasonably consistent and coherent approach across the set of individual EFI evaluations. The Chapeau contract team leader had the specific role of working with, drawing on and co-ordinating knowledge produced by the evaluations within this contract and the evaluation teams of the other EFI evaluations.
The reports are availble at: