Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2017






 Governance, Monitoring & Evaluation

Final reviews of the interventions “Support to the decentralization of the Koulikoro region – PADK II” and “Support to civil status – PAEC”

The final review of the “Support to the decentralization of the Koulikoro – PADK II” intervention had as its goal to strengthen the process of decentralization and good governance, in order to provide useful and sustainable services to the populations and in particular contribute to the sustainable and socio-economic development of the Koulikoro region.
Simultaneously, the second intervention “Support to civil status – PAEC” was to contribute to ensuring the legal security of citizens, as well as peace and stability through a reliable, secure and harmonized national civil registration system.
The evaluation provided answered to "how"- and "why"-questions and was essential for assessing the value of the achieved results and of the implementation process of the whole intervention.
The evaluation served the following functions:
  • To support steering. On the basis of in-depth analyses, the review offered useful recommendations that are based on data (evidence-based).
  • To contribute to learning. By analysing the development process, the review allowed to explain what works, what does not work and why, and to thus draw lessons for other interventions or for the elaboration of new policies, strategies and programmes.
  • Accountability to the donor, partner and other internal actors by supplying an external assessment of the progress made and the results achieved


 Particip (Lead), MDF