Support to the Improvement of Revenue Forecasting (SIRF) in Viet Nam through better Linkages between Macroeconomic Forecasting and Tax Analysis – Programme Macroeconomic Reform – Green Growth – EU Public Finance Modernization Project (EU-PFMO)
The SIRF project was a sub-component of the EU-PFMO and thereby contributed to its objective of greater efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and accountability in the Vietnamese budget processes. The projects supported the national partners by delivering strategic, procedural and technical advisory aiming to reform revenue forecasting in Viet Nam via a four-stage-process:
i.) Development of a concept for revenue forecasting, including a capacity development (CD) strategy: The concept for revenue forecasting was developed in accordance with a) partner requirements, b) international standards and c) the institutional, procedural and technical framework. ON the basis of the new concept, a capacity development strategy for the involved partner institutions (Interministerial Working Group, State Budget Department, Budget Planning Department, National Institute for Finance, Training Centre for Finance Officers) was developed and procurement needs were assessed.
ii.) Implementation of trainings in revenue forecasting: On the basis of the CD-strategy developed in phase 1, trainings for all stakeholders were conducted. This was done in close cooperation with a national institute in order to ensure sustainability beyond project duration.
iii.) Advisory services/mentoring throughout the implementation process in 2017: Vietnamese partners were assisted in the process of implementing the new revenue estimation concept throughout 2017. The mentoring and advisory was delivered via a support desk consisting of the expert team and regular mentoring visits.
iv.) Evaluation of revenue forecasting in 2017: Following the implementation process in 2017, the quality of revenue forecasting in Vietnam was assessed in order to identify areas where further support was needed. Furthermore, an adequate monitoring and evaluation system, which allows for project monitoring (by partners, GIZ and contracting party) and project steering in accordance with the five success factors of Capacity Works was developed.