Capacity development on monitoring and evaluation in the enlargement and neighbourhood regions
The overall objective of the assignment is to improve and to strengthen the capacity of the beneficiaries in the enlargement and neighbourhood countries on IPA II and ENI performance indicators, monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
The specific objectives are to:
1. Provide capacity development activities to IPA II/ENI beneficiaries in defining and managing performance indicators in the context of IPA and ENI programmes;
2. Provide capacity development activities to IPA II/ENI beneficiaries on monitoring and evaluation.
1. Designed the training programme/s and materials on (1) performance indicators in the context of IPA and ENI programmes and (2) undertaking monitoring and evaluation in the enlargement and neighbourhood countries
2. Delivered the pilot training workshops in ENI and IPA countries and in DG NEAR services
3. Fine-tuned the training programme/s on (1) performance indicators in the context of IPA and ENI programmes and (2) undertaking monitoring and evaluation in the enlargement and neighbourhood countries.
4. Delivered deep and comprehensive training workshops and "on the job training" in IPA II
5. Evaluated the training activities, prepared of a final report
Total training/workshops to deliver: 17
Total people trained: 478