Project reference


Contract duration

 2017 - 2022





EIB - Schools modernisation programme – qualitative action component – in Tunisia

The objective of the technical assistance is to provide support to the Ministry of Education in implementing the Qualitative Intervention Programme (QIP) through which the concept of "Positive Behaviour Support" (PBS) is being adapted to the Tunisian context and implemented.
The programme will allow to improve the quality of school climate and discipline in beneficiary schools, both factors that are expected to have a positive impact on the performance of students.
The target groups of the intervention are teaching and managing staff, parents and pupils of beneficiary schools, as well as education managers at national and provincial level.
The expected results are:
  • Conceptual development of a variety of qualitative interventions that allow to improve discipline and school climate, following a PBS approach who has been adapted to the Tunisian context. This will notably include the development of training material and raising awareness on the PBS approach amongst school principals, teachers and at all levels of the education system.
  • Provision of empirical evidence on the impact of the PBS concept in pilot schools.
  • Implementation of the PBS approach in a first group of pilot schools, the revision of the approach following the pilot phase, and the implementation of the revised approach in a second group of pilot schools.
  • Evaluation of project results through a detailed analysis of the evolution of measures taken, their impact on the school climate, and their impact on the performance of students.


 Particip (Lead), Cayambe Partners, EUN Partnership aisbl, IB