Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2017






 Communication & media, Training

Organization of information and training sessions on communicating about EU and EU assistance

Global objective:
To promote increased visibility for the EU and the EU assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova, through the development of communication abilities of key actors involved in this process.
Specific objectives:
1. Identification of communication requirements related to EU and EU assistance of the seven target groups
  • Civil servants from the line Ministries;
  • Press-officer or communication focal points from the line Ministries;
  • Representatives of NGOs and civil society
  • Team leaders of EU projects (1st group)
  • Team leaders of EU projects (2nd group)
  • Representative of the Moldovan mass-media
  • Staff of the EU Delegation to Moldova
2. Development of targeted training modules on communicating about EU and EU assistance
3. Organization of training and information sessions on communicating about EU and EU assistance (seven workshops of two days each)