Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2021






 Communication & media

EU Policy and Outreach Partnership

This project is part of wider EU public diplomacy and outreach activities towards audiences in Russia and it complements other cooperation programmes of the EU and its member states in Russia.
The overall objective of this action is to support the achievement of the EU’s policy objectives through public diplomacy activities that engage meaningfully with targeted audiences and stakeholders in order to build trust and mutual understanding.
The purposes of this contract are:
  • to offer a platform for dialogue and debate on a number of bilateral and global issues for selected Russian and EU experts and interlocutors who can function as moderators/facilitators of a balanced and positive dialogue between EU and Russia;
  • to expose selected Russian target audiences to the EU, EU policies and positions and to engage them into a dialogue on a number of bilateral and global issues;
  • to expose wider public in Russia to different positions and points of view on a number of bilateral and global issues, as well as to more complete information about the EU, EU policies and positions.
This action consists of five main components which are mutually reinforcing:
  • Component 1: EU-Russia Experts Network (on foreign policy). EU-Russia Experts Network brings together experts, analysts and alumni from a variety of institutions and academic centers from Russia and EU member states to discuss actual foreign policy issues (such as economics, EU affairs and human rights) with the aim of coming up with concrete recommendations for a new modus operandi for EU-Russia relations. EU-Russia Experts Network meets on a quarterly basis.
  • Component 2: 12 Roundtables/debates on other policy areas to bring together different business representatives networks, journalists, researchers and NGOs representatives. The debates are organised in partnership with selected Russian universities and academic institutions including the EU-supported Jean Monnet centres around Russia, alumni networks from EU and Russian universities, business organisations and representatives of international organisations.
  • Component 3: Provision of EU speakers to public events in Russia. A network of experts is established for dedicated events in Russia. The visiting EU speakers are expected inter alia to speak at conferences organised by the Russian Association of European Studies, the European Studies Institute at MGIMO-university, the Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence, the EU information centres, as well as events organised by different think tanks, non-governmental organisations and foundations.
  • Component 4: Visiting Russian practitioners to the EU. The visits are addressed to journalists, representatives of civil society organisations as well as civil servants, local government officials, think tanks/analysts, alumni networks and business representatives. 50 Russian professionals benefit from this opportunity each year.
  • Component 5: Cross cutting activities, including dissemination to wider audiences through audiovisual products, media relations, awareness raising and PR activities.


 Goethe Institut (Lead), Institut Francais, Particip