The Government of Burundi obtained financing under the 10th European Development Fund to implement the project “Supported and Empowered Civil Society Organisations” (OSCAR). The project OSCAR followed the project ARCANE of support to civil society under the 9th EDF between April 2007 and December 2010. The project OSCAR started in August 2011 and the implementation phase ended in September 2015.
The overall objective of OSCAR was stated as follows: “The effects of
NSA’s participation are perceptible, in the field of peace, good governance, decentralisation, poverty reduction and women empowerment”.
The overall objectives of this mission were to evaluate the outputs of the project OSCAR and to draw reformulations for the upcoming 11th EDF, in the context of the current political crisis.
This final evaluation mission allowed stakeholders:
- To have a precise overview over realised activities during the 45 months of the Project and of their impacts, or at least its effects on ongoing democratic processes in Burundi;
- To confirm the consideration of some outputs of the project OSCAR for the future project, in case starting conditions for future 11th EDF are fulfilled in the coming months;
- To furnish reformulations for future project under the 11th EDF, in case the political situation worsens.
The expected outputs were:
- A written evaluation report including a specific evaluation for each part of the project and service (by means of a deep analysis of results and indicators)
- In light of the Action Document of the future Support to Civil Society project, the report will underling relevant cornerstones for support to CSOs actions at central and decentralised level
- The mission will furnish reformulations of several actions planned in the future project, taking into account the current political situation and security context