Study to develop indicators, monitoring system and to assess the first phase of implementation of the Partnership Instrument
purpose of this study is to develop tools for further implementation of the Partnership Instrument (PI), including indicators and a monitoring system, and to assess the first phase of the implementation of the PI.
objectives of the study are:
- To review existing and develop new indicators for the PI;
- To develop a monitoring system for the PI, both at PI level and at action level, and to assist in its introduction;
- To assess the first phase of implementation of the PI.
thematic and legal scope of this study is the Partnership Instrument as defined in the PI Regulation, except for the part of the budget devoted to the financing of Erasmus+ under the specific objective number 4 (Art. 1(2)(a) PI Regulation). The
temporal scope covers the initial phase of implementation of the PI. To a lesser extent, some parts of the study (e.g. assessment of coherence, complementarity and coordination) require analysis of other external action instruments of the 2014-2020 financing period (DCI, EDF, ENI, IPA) and internal instruments with external dimension (notably: Horizon 2020 – The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation; the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises; Erasmus+; Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund; and the Internal Security Fund)