Identification and formulation mission to support protected areas in Chad in the context of the implementation of Sector 2 (Sustainable Resource Management) under the 11th EDF
General objective: This mission provided assistance to the Delegation of the European Union, the services of Chad’s NAO and the services of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment of Chad, in cooperation with other technical ministries in identifying and formulating a programme to implement the specific objective No. 1 (SO1) of sector 2 of the NIP under the 11th EDF concerning the ‘sustainable management of protected areas and fragile ecosystems’.
Specific objectives: This Mission supported the Delegation of the European Union, the National Authorizing Officer in Chad and the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment in Tchad (MAE) in identifying and formulating a program to implement the specific objective No. 1 (SO1) Sector 2 of the 11th EDF.
Strategic objectives of the EU-Chad cooperation under the 11th EDF:
- Assist Chad in achieving its development through sustainable management of its natural resources, including oil, particularly targeting the most vulnerable segments of the population and young people, and most deprived areas in socio economic development.
- Contribute to peace consolidation and implementation of reforms to strengthen governance, including management of public finances.
These objectives supported the agreed efforts in the EU strategy framework for security and development in the Sahel region ("Sahel Strategy") adopted in 2011 and are part of the Global Alliance for Resilience Initiative (AGIR), launched in 2012.
By supporting the implementation of the National Development Plan (NDP 2013-2015) of Chad, which guided the development of the National Indicative Programme (NIP) of the 11th EDF, the EU will commit itself to three priority sectors
- Sector 1 "Food security, nutrition and rural development"
- Sector 2 "Management of natural resources" and
- Sector 3 "Consolidation of the Rule of Law".
This mission is divided into two components:
Component 1 was dedicated to prepare the future support of the 11th EDF. This component was implemented by a team of three international experts, one of whom shall be the head of the mission. The specific objective of this first component was to achieve the identification and formulation of a new support programme to conservation and networking for an bigger number of protected areas of high ecological value in Chad.
The specific objective of Component 2 was supporting the development and validation of the National Environment Policy (NEP) document. The component shall thus structure political dialogue and the annual revisions to be carried out under the 11th EDF in the biodiversity conservation sector.
The component ensured the coherence between national policy and logical framework of the new programme to be financed under the 11th EDF.