Project reference


Contract duration

 2017 - 2022






 Civil society, Communication & media, Human rights, Management, Project implementation / Technical Assistance, Training

TA: media and freedom of expression in the framework of EU democracy support 'Media4Democracy'

Media4Democracy was an EU-funded Technical Assistance Facility strengthening the European Union Delegations’ ability to implement the EU Human Rights Guidelines on Freedom of Expression Online and Offline.
Our mission was to support the EU Delegations’ broad and coherent implementation of the EU Guidelines on Freedom of Expression and to help them to identify, design and implement appropriate near-, medium- and long-term actions.
The TA team ‘Media4Democracy’ was based in Brussels and provided advocacy support and capacity building services to all EU Delegations (EUDs) worldwide, as well as customised technical support to individual EU Delegations.
The team of three senior experts also utilised and deployed a global network of leading freedom of expression and media professionals, working together to provide tailored support and expertise to EU Delegations.
Media4Democracy was backed by a Consortium of prominent European organisations, led by Particip, from the field of freedom of expression, media development and democracy support: Article19, Deutsche Welle Akademie, European Partnership for Democracy, Free Press Unlimited and the Thomson Foundation.
Media4Democracy was established by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO) in January 2017 under the European Instrument for Democracy & Human Rights (EIDHR).
List of assignments:
March - May 2017: Development of Advocacy material related to World Press Freedom day 2017
June - Nov 2017: Honduras assignment - advocacy expert, data mining expert
July - August 2017: EU Advocacy and Action in Support of Universal Access to Information and the International Day for the Universal Access to Information
June - Nov 2017: November training 2017
March 2018 : Support to EIDHR focal point meeting
March – May 2018 : Development of A19 Package Elements
January – April 2018: Fellowship development
March – June 2018: ToR and CVs for Ghana assignment WPFD 2018
Oct 2017 - July 2018: Practical Guide Access to Information
Sep 2017 - Aug 2018: Assignment support to EU Delegation Laos
Sep 2017 - Aug 2018: Strengthening FoE and Media Pluralism in The Gambia within the Transitional Justice Framework
Sep 2017 - Aug 2018: Set-up and maintenance of website & Copy writer
May – August 2018: TA to the EUD to Botswana and the SADC Media Institutions as Drivers of Democracy: strengthening freedom of expression and media pluralism
May – Sept 2018: Development of FPU Package Elements - Media, Information Access and the Empowerment of Women & Girls + Participation in Gender Focal Point Meeting & Materials
June – Oct 2018: Technical Assistance to the EUD to Rwanda, Media Institutions as Drivers of Democracy: strengthening freedom of expression and media pluralism
Sept - Nov 2018:TA to DEVCO B1: Support to delivery of Brussels-based November training
April 2017-Dec 2018: Services of Junior Graphic designer for continious support
April – Dec 2018: TA to Zambia: Strengthening law and policy in support of FoE and media pluralism: support for EUD strategic advocacy and programme development
Sept - Dec 2018: TA to the EUD to Malaysia: Acting in the context of democratisation - Targeted media pluralism and FoE situation assessment
November – December 2018: TA to the EUD to Vietnam - Targeted Legal Analysis of Cyber Law and Draft Implementing Decree
Jan 2018 - Jan 2019: Communication and Proof-reading Activities
July 2018 – Jan 2019: Handbook on Safety of Journalists and Advocacy Support to EUDs to Mark IIDEIAJ 2018
July 2018 - Jan 2019: Supporting capacity of Media4Democracy Core Expert Team
March 2018 – Feb 2019: ToR and CV for Fellowship implementation- Fellowship Strengthening Institutional Leaders in Support of Pluralistic Media - Collaboration with the EUD of Tanzania
July 2018 – February 2019: Technical Assistance to EU Delegation to Indonesia: Supporting EU – Indonesian Government Joint Seminar “Addressing Hate Speech and Disinformation”
November 2018 - February 2019: TA to the EUD to Kyrgyzstan - Media Institutions as Drivers of Democracy: strengthening FoE and media pluralism
October 2018 - March 2019: Development of TF Package Elements Supporting AtI
October 2018 - March 2019: TA to the EUD to Malaysia: Acting in the context of democratisation - Media, Access to Information and ICT and the Empowerment of Women and Girls; Fighting cyber bullying of women and girls -FPU pilot
Dec 2018 - March 2019 : TA to the EUD to Burundi -Targeted Media Assessment within the Context of 2020 Presidential Elections
Jan - March 2019: Development of Global Webinar for EUDs -EU Guidelines on Freedom of Expression: Policy Essentials Webinar - together with TF
February - June 2019: TA to the EUD to Burkina Faso: Media, AtI and ICT and the Empowerment of Women and Girls; including consideration of issues linked to female genital mutilation and women’s participation in elections
April – June 2018: Development of EPD Package Elements - Media Institutions as Drivers of Democracy
Nov 2018 - July 2019: Fellowship: Strengthening Institutional Leaders in Support of Pluralistic Media - Collaboration with the EUD of Rwanda
Jan - July 2019: Development of Global Handbook for EUDs - EU Human Rights Guidelines on Freedom of Expression Online and Offline: Policy Essentials Handbook
March - July 2019: TA to the EUD to Sri Lanka and Maldives -. Media Institutions as Drivers of Democracy: strengthening FoE and media pluralism
April - July 2019 : TA to the EUD to Nicaragua and SICA: Support FoE and Media in Highly Complex, Closed and Dangerous Context
Feb 2019 - Jan 2020: Supporting capacity of Media4Democracy Core Expert Team - phase II
April 2019 - January 2020: Fellowship: Strengthening Institutional Leaders in Support of Pluralistic Media - Collaboration with the EU Delegation of Kyrgyzstan


 Particip (Lead), Article 19, DW, EPD Germany, FPU, TF