Project reference


Contract duration

 2016 - 2017




 North Macedonia


 Environment, Information technology, Institutional development, Project implementation / Technical Assistance

Strengthening the capacities for implementation of NATURA 2000

The purpose of this project was to support the Beneficiary country’s institutions in implementation of the EU Birds and Habitats Directive.
Through the project, the Contractor assisted the authorities in implementing the NATURA 2000 network requirements in accordance with the national and EU legislation.
This project also aimed at laying foundations to future establishment of Natura 2000 network.
In this regard the project aims to initially identify the potential Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) in accordance to Habitats Directive and potential Special Protection Areas (SPAs) in accordance to Birds Directive.
In this identification it was important to fully align the national legislation with these two EU directives, thus legislative work was needed as a base to provide conditions to implement measures to future potential Natura 2000 sites, in order to reach the following results:
1. Harmonization of National legislation with EU directives related to nature protection ( Prepared draft Amendments to the Law on Nature Protection and other relevant implementing (primary and secondary) legislation, and Prepared Plan for implementation of Birds and Habitat Directives);
2. Assessment at national level of potential sites, according Birds and Habitat Directives, for NATURA 2000 Network (At least seven potential Natura 2000 sites proposed which would correspond to the requirements of Birds and Habitats Directives)
3. GIS system for NATURA 2000 developed;
4. Administrative capacity for implementation of nature protection legislation strengthened;
5. Public awareness campaign for NATURA 2000 implemented.


 Particip (Lead), DDNI, Epsilon, TBS