Project reference


Contract duration

 2014 - 2016






 Communication & media

Launching the EU initiative for African Wildlife Conservation through: The production (design, layout, translation and print out) of the EU initiative for African Wildlife Conservation document and other communication material (brochure, leaflet, slides show and film)

The global objective of this assignment was be to inform and promote the EU initiative for African Wildlife Conservation to the biodiversity and ecosystems international community. It is expected that the promotion of the initiative through different promotional material and communication events, will facilitate and enhance awareness raising and donor coherence and coordination towards international targets.
The specific objectives of this assignment involved 1) the graphical design, layout and print out of the EU initiative for African Wildlife Conservation document, 2) the edition, graphical design and print out of a brochure and 3) the design of other communication material,


 ICF Next (Lead), Particip