Project reference


Contract duration

 2015 - 2016




 Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Luxembourg, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Türkiye, U.K.

Stakeholder campaign to inform and communicate about the EU's enlargement policy and the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA)

The stakeholder campaign aimed to inform key opinion formers and multipliers in EU Member States about enlargement policy related developments and the progress the candidates and potential candidates had made in fundamental areas that are important to EU citizens, such as rule of law (e.g. crime, corruption), economic governance, human and minority rights, freedom of expression and media, or environment and climate change.
It also promoted knowledge about the use and impact of the EU’s pre-accession funds among relevant decision-makers, business and civil society organisations, and the media in the EU. The objective was to showcase the link between investing funds in the pre-accession process, the actual progress in the countries on the path towards the EU, and the benefits this has to the European Union.

Consequently, the overall objective of the campaign was to promote an informed debate on EU enlargement amongst the target groups and in media from EU Member States, and to and facilitate reporting on enlargement policy and related developments amongst these target groups and media in the EU.
Our concrete inputs were:
-Stakeholder activities : partnerships with 20 organisation from EU countries. Organization of 31 events in 13 EU Member States for 1045 participants
-Organization of 4 Study Visits for Stakeholders to IPA countries
-Organization of 7 Press Trips for EU journalists to the IPA countries
-Organization of ad hoc individual journalists visits


 ESN (Lead), Particip