Project reference


Contract duration

 2014 - 2016






 Institutional development, Justice/Rule of Law

Review of the Sector Support Programme for "Support to Justice Reform in Armenia 'Phase II'" Project

The project's aim was to provide support to the Government of Armenia in implementing the “Support to Justice Reform in Armenia – Phase II”, monitoring progress and building capacity in the justice sector.
The overall objective was to provide 3 reports on implementation of the Budget support conditions.
The contractor provided detailed reviews of the implementation of the Budget support programme in accordance with the policy conditions matrix. Furthermore, these reports will serve the Commission as a tool for decisions on instalment disbursement and programme execution. The conclusions of these reviews will be used to decide upon the disbursement of three variable instalments. In addition to these, the EC was provided with recommendations on the direction of the supported policy reforms and on options for future budget support programmes in the sector in Armenia.
The review missions were carried out by two experts: an economist – PFM expert (the team leader) and a Justice Reform policy expert who reviewed the following issues in detail:
  • Assessment of the overall status of reforms of the main services provided by Government in the Justice sector;
  • Assessment of the impact of the Budget Support Programme on policy formulation, on the budget preparation process and on public expenditure management in the supported governmental bodies;
  • Assessment of the Civil Society involvement in the reform process.
In addition, the following tasks were carried out during the mission:
  • a brief overview of existing (or possible) synergies with other EC instruments and other donor interventions was provided;
  • possible additional ad-hoc technical assistance needs were identified (where required and duly justified).
In order to evaluate the programme, during each review mission, the experts met with the relevant Ministry/State agencies and entities, the EC TA projects, and donor representatives. Regular briefings with the Programme Manager at the EU Delegation during the review process ensured a close collaboration with the EU delegation.