Identification and formulation of new Programmes in Rural Sanitation and Wastewater
The Global objective of the assignment was support in the identification and formulation of the possible EU interventions in the Waste water sector (focusing on Rural sanitation and Waste Water treatment) to be included in the 2015 Annual Action Plan, implementing the Single Support Framework for EU Support to Egypt 2014-15 which is currently being finalised.
Specific Objectives were:
- Provide a strategic sector overview (sector strategies and plans, current projects, current donor involvement)
- List potential interventions in the water sector (with a focus on waste water treatment and rural sanitation)
- Assist EU, GoE and stakeholders in a prioritization of implementable programmes and projects
- Support in the identification of EU interventions, including through the preparation of identification fiches and simplified prefeasibility study report.
- Support in the formulation of the EU intervention, including through the preparation of an Action Document, Technical and Administrative Provisions (TAPS) and annexes, possible IMDA among other required documents including a detailed logical framework with outputs, institutional settings, time schedule, activities, hypothesises, risks and assumptions and budget according to EU templates and procedures required for external actions.
Particip (Lead), Expertise Advisors (formerly: ETI Consulting)