Project reference


Contract duration







 Institutional development, Justice/Rule of Law, Training

Human Resource Management Strategy for Supreme Court (SC) and Attorney General's Office (AGO) of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

The goal of the assignment was:
  • To provide roadmaps for the Supreme Court and the Attorney General's Office of realistic policies and strategies that, if followed, ensure that the workforce of Afghanistan’s main justice institutions is aligned to the broader 5-year institutional strategies, and that the workforce is competent, responsive, ethical, committed, engaged and productive.
The objective of the assignment was:
  • To develop two five-year human resource management strategies, one focused on the Supreme Court and one on the Attorney General's Office.
Scope of work:
  • The proposed project focussed on the whole workforce of the Supreme Court (judges, other non-judicial legal professional and support staff) and the Attorney General's Office (prosecutors, other professional administrative and support staff). It built upon previous reform efforts and was grounded in the Afghan laws regulating the respective institution’s Human Resource areas, informed by international best practice, as well as other ongoing or planned projects, and honor Afghan traditions. Both built on the results of the P&G reforms and reforms implemented with the support of various donors which have focused on developing an Human Resource tools such as databases and Human Resource practices.