Detailed preliminary draft studies on the mobilization of ground- and surface water in the region of Guéra
The overall objective of access to drinking water and sanitation under the 10th EDF (FED/2010/021976) which this study is a part of, was to fight against poverty by improving the living conditions and population health through extensive, sustainable and equitable access to drinking water.
Its specific objective was to contribute to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by improving the access to drinking water and sanitation in the project's intervention area and strengthening the institutional framework.
The particular objectives of this contract aimed at the identification of areas of high water potential in order to strengthen the Drinking Water Supply (DWS) of the cities Abou Deia, Bitkine, Mangalmé, Melfi, Mongo and Oum Hadjer and to improve pastoral and agricultural conditions of the basement zones of central Chad (the region of Guéra, including Oum Hadjer in the north-east and Abou Deia area in the east) by using techniques of groundwater recharge and soil regeneration.
Particip (Lead), AETS, GEOtest NL