Project reference


Contract duration

 2015 - 2017




 Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan


 Education, Environment, Industry & private sector development, Justice/Rule of Law, Monitoring & Evaluation, Trade

Evaluation of the European Union's co-operation with Central Asia. Regional Level Evaluation

The Evaluation of the European Union’s co-operation with Central Asia (2007-2014) evaluated the design and the implementation of policies, strategies and sector programmes of the EU’s past and current development cooperation support to Central Asia.
The main objectives of the evaluation were:
  • to provide the relevant external co-operation services of the European Union and the wider public with an overall independent assessment of the European Union’s past and current co-operation;
  • to identify key lessons and to produce recommendations to improve current and inform future choices on co-operation strategy and delivery.
The evaluation used the five standard OECD/DAC evaluation criteria, namely relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. In addition the evaluation also looks at the EU added value and the 3Cs.
The evaluation was conducted in four phases:
  • an Inception Phase, focusing on the design and the methodology of the evaluation including the reconstruction of the intervention logic and the compilation of a comprehensive inventory incl. monetary flow of all relevant activities between 2007 and 2014;
  • a Desk phase, focusing on gathering and analysing existing data and information (through literature/document reviews and interviews/focus groups/surveys) and the delivery of a Desk report;
  • a Field phase, including preparation of field missions, visits to the study countries and drafting of country notes;
  • a Synthesis phase, producing a final report and dissemination of results to concerned stakeholders.
The evaluation included an in depth analysis of the contribution of EU support to development outcomes in the following sectors:
  • Environment (focus on water management and climate change)
  • Private sector development
  • Education (higher education and vocational training)
  • Border management, customs, fight against organised crime, and the rule of law
The report is available at:


 Particip (Lead), ECDPM, Ecorys B.V., LA International Cooperation S.R.L.