Communication and visibility assistance for EU - Republic of the Congo cooperation
The global objectives of the project were:
1. To improve the public’s knowledge of the European Union (EU) and EU-Congolese cooperation in the Republic of Congo
2. To assist the Delegation of the European Union (DEU) in Congo with the implementation of the communication strategy
In the context of the global objectives, the following specific objectives have been achieved:
- Coordinate the organisation of, and take care of the logistical aspects and broadcasting of communication and visibility events for the DEU and the National Authorising Officer (NAO).
- Contribute to the DEU and NAO’s design and production of communication and visibility outputs.
- Assist in and supervise the preparation of the communication products for the projects.
- Assist the DEU and the NAO with media relations.
- Monitor the press coverage (written, TV and radio) of certain topics selected by the DEU concerning the presence of the EU in the Republic of Congo.
- Monitor and evaluate communication and visibility activities.
- Introduce the graphic materials for the communication and visibility documents produced by the DEU, the NAO and the projects.
- Propose a graphic charter common to all documents produced by the EU in Congo.
- If requested by the DEU, assist the cooperation projects with the implementation of their communication plans.