Project reference


Contract duration

 2013 - 2017


97% by Particip




 Angola, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Egypt, Ghana, Guinea (Conakry), Jordan, Lebanon, Liberia, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, North Macedonia, Palestine, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Türkiye, Ukraine, Vanuatu, Yemen


 Governance, Humanitarian aid, Institutional development, Training

Post-conflict and post-disaster needs assessment (PCNA/PDNA): development of assessment capacity and tools - Phase I + II

Relevant background
Since early 2007, the Commission, the UN-family and the World Bank have worked together in setting up a platform for cooperation on post-crisis needs assessments for natural disaster (Post-Disaster Needs Assessment, PDNA) and conflict (Recovery and Peacebuilding Assessment (RPBA), previously named Post-Conflict Needs Assessment, PCNA) scenarios. This trilateral cooperation was framed and formalised through the signature of a Joint Declaration on “Post-Crisis Assessments and Recovery Planning” in September 2008. The EU/UN/WB platform covers the whole PDNA/RPBA(PCNA) process, including strategic coordination, development of joint methodologies for post-crisis assessments, joint deployment of assessment teams, joint training and joint recovery planning and monitoring.
In line with the 2008 Declaration on Joint Post-crisis Assessments and Recovery Planning, the overall objective of the project is to assist and develop third countries’ in-country capacity to gradually assume a more prominent role in Post-Disaster Needs Assessments and Post-Conflict Needs Assessments (now changed to Recovery and Peacebuilding Assessments, RPBA).
The purpose of this project was:
  • to support further development of joint PDNA/RPBA(formerly PCNA) methodologies, tools, training programmes, etc.;
  • to support joint PDNA/RPBA(formerly PCNA) missions in-country/in region (in coordinating with EU Heads of Delegations and with the European External Actions Service (EEAS) and European Commission). While such support could cover any relevant technical field (long-term and short-term expertise), it is foreseen that a particular emphasis is put on expertise in mission planning and development of final reports/recovery frameworks.
The two phases of the project contributed to a variety of outputs and results, including:
  • Phase 1 (01/01/2013 – 31/07/2015): revision of the PDNA methodology and development of the joint EU/UN/WB PDNA Guide, development of the Disaster Recovery Framework (DRF) Guide, review of the PCNA methodology, development of training and capacity building materials, delivery of information/capacity building sessions, joint PDNA/PCNA training courses for national authorities and regional/international organisations, support to over 15 joint EU/UN/WB PDNA/PCNA missions;
  • Phase 2 (10/07/2015 – 09/07/2017): revision of the PCNA methodology and development of the RPBA methodology, development of training and capacity building materials, delivery of information/capacity building sessions, joint PDNA/RPBA training courses for national authorities and regional/international organisations, support to over 10 joint EU/UN/WB PDNA/RPBA missions.


 Particip (Lead), Dara, ECDPM, GOPA, Punto.sud