Assistance for the implementation of TAIEX activities: provision of logistical services and financial management tasks
The overall objective of TAIEX (technical assistance and information exchange) is to provide technical assistance in the form of events (e.g. seminars, workshops, study visits, expert missions) concerning the pre-accession process and the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy, in particular in the field of approximation, application and enforcement of the EU acquis and related issues.
The purposes of this contract are:
= Provision of logistical means for TAIEX events, with particular emphasis on value for money
= Ensuring related execution of payments and reporting
The work to be performed under this contract relates to the "logistical" services and financial management of TAIEX activities.
IBF International Consulting S.A. (Lead), American Express Corporate Travel, Moore - Yemen, Particip, Team Work, Wallonia Foreign Trade and Investment Agency