Support to the management of EDF procedures for the Programme for strengthening Public Financial Management and Statistics
The project aimed at improving the expenditure management of Programme Estimates as well as the management of all contracts and financial engagements resulting from the two components of the programme. The expected results of this technical assistance were to assure swift cash outlays, and transparency and accountability in management of the financial resources from the EDF for the Programme Estimates of the programme, in a way that the other technical assistance contracts of the programme were implemented synchronically with the Programme Estimates. The technical assistance aimed specifically at the following results:
- Improvement of the quality and timeliness of expenditure dossiers forwarded to the NAO and EUD for approval in the frame of the Programme Estimates
- Improvement of the quality of tender dossiers submitted to EUD
- Improved reliability and compliance with EDF procedures of invoices submitted by contractors to managers, NAO and EUD
- Improved annual forecasts of financial flows
- Improved preparation of biannual financial reports for the Steering Committee of the programme
- Better compliance to EDF procedural deadlines
The technical assistance ensured that managers and accountants of programme estimates benefitted from a robust accounting and budgeting system for the financial and administrative management of the programme PAR-GS. The established system relied on the software TOMPRO and TOMFED.
On the basis of an EDF procedures manual that was prepared for the implementing agents of the project PAR-GS, the expert gave regular training courses to the staff of the Director of Studies and Planning (DSP) and the National Institute of Statistics and Demography (NISD).