Project reference


Contract duration



98,940 EUR




 Health, Human rights, Monitoring & Evaluation

Final evaluation of the program to support the empowerment of women and the protection of the rights of women and girls

The Program to Support Women's Empowerment and the Protection of Women's and Girls' Rights (FEMFI) is a key initiative aimed at reducing gender disparity by supporting the implementation of policies of the Ministry of Women and Family (MFF).
The objective of this evaluation is to provide the relevant Commission services and key program stakeholders with an overall and independent analysis of the performance of the action, and to draw lessons, to formulate conclusions. and recommendations for future interventions to support Djiboutian women and girls. The main users of this evaluation include the EU Delegation to Djibouti, the MFF, and the relevant Djiboutian authorities.
The evaluation adopts a methodological approach based on the Theory of Change (ToC). This allows for the identification of: i) the plausible cause-and-effect relationships between the support provided and the observed results and impacts, and ii) the factors generating or hindering the targeted progress. This methodology promotes learning, informs decision-making, and improves future performance while providing the necessary evidence for accountability.


 Particip (Lead)