Project reference


Contract duration

 2024 - 2025




 ACP (Pacific), Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa & Indian Ocean

Global case study on the large ocean and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) group of countries in support of the strategic joint evaluation of the collective international development and humanitarian assistance response to the Covid-19 pandemic

This global case study aims to provide an in-depth assessment of the collective response to the COVID-19 pandemic within the SIDS group of countries, with a focus on the extent to which the response efforts took into account the unique characteristics of SIDS and tailored the response accordingly. The case study covers the response to both direct and indirect impacts of the pandemic in SIDS, from January 2020 to December 2022.
More specifically, the case study examines support to SIDS through various financing instruments and programmes by diverse donors, across a wide range of thematic areas. It encompasses assistance labelled as “COVID-related” as well as, to the extent possible, other sectors, acknowledging the pandemic’s wide-ranging socio-economic impact.