Project reference


Contract duration

 2023 - 2025






 Civil society, Human rights

Rwanda CSO/HR&D Support measures

The purpose of this contract is to support the work of the EUD in enhancing the capacity of CSOs working in Rwanda to act as actors of development.
The specific objective of this contract is to implement a set of actions to support, among others, information sessions on calls for proposals, meetings with CSOs, mapping of CSOs, consultations, outreach and awareness raising activities, studies, seminars, trainings, publications, visibility of projects, exchanges of best practices, as well as enhancing the visibility of the in Civil Society –Human Rights instruments and impact.
The main objectives of this contract are to:
  • Enhance CSOs’ capacity by organising capacity building workshops, consultations and network opportunities for CSOs, focusing on enhancing understanding on project design, EU procedures, especially human rights projects; and peer learning among CSOs and exchange of best practices
  • To enhance the capacity of CSOs in Rwanda by organising workshops to improve understanding on key topics including awareness campaigns.
  • To carry out research/studies such as mapping to support and inform both the delegation and CSOs
  • To increase awareness of EU and EU development cooperation programmes with CSOs in Rwanda and its impact; and increase visibility of projects implemented by CSOs funded by the EU
  • To enable Europe's taxpayers, as well as citizens of Rwanda at all levels of society to understand the impact of European Development Cooperation.