Project reference


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The overall objective of this assignment was to contribute to improving the electoral and democratic framework of Peru during the inter-election period and raising awareness and understanding of the EU EOM recommendations and technical issues related to their implementation. In general, an EFM supports the consolidation of democracy, institution-building and democratic elections in Peru in the context of the implementation of the 2020 EU EOM recommendations.
The specific objectives of the Mission included:
  • Assess the state of play of the implementation of the recommendations of the 2020 EU EOM to Peru.
  • Assess any electoral reforms adopted since the last EOM or which are under consideration (e.g. draft legislation) or planned and the degree to which these reflect EOM recommendations and their alignment with international standards for democratic elections;
  • Identify which EOM recommendations are most relevant to the prevailing country situation and the current phase of the electoral cycle;
  • Generate additional impetus for – or contribute to ongoing debates on – electoral reform;
  • Identify areas of agreement and disagreement on EU EOM recommendations among the stakeholders and any political, technical, financial obstacles to electoral reform;
  • Propose actions to overcome obstacles to electoral reform, including measures to develop support for and national ownership of the recommendations;
  • Assist the EU Delegation, EEAS and INTPA in their assessment on whether ongoing cooperation and conflict prevention projects are addressing the recommendations made by EU EOMs. Based on a brief overview of existing programmes, provide needed information to support identification of potential additional election/democracy support action that could contribute to strengthening the implementation of the recommendations and/or to the overall improvement of the electoral framework;
  • Contribute to analysis by the EU Delegation, EEAS and INTPA with information to originate any other possible EU actions that could contribute to strengthening the implementation of the recommendations and/or to the overall improvement of the electoral framework;
  • Prepare/update with EU Delegation a follow-up plan to EU EOM recommendations.