Project reference


Contract duration

 2024 - 2028




 Sierra Leone


 Communication & media

Communication and Visibility for the European Union in Sierra Leone

The overall objective is to increase the knowledge and understanding of the EU (what the EU is), of EU values, priorities and actions (what the EU stands for), and especially of EU cooperation in Sierra Leone, focusing on the impact of EU support to the benefit of the Sierra Leonean people and presenting the EU as a key partner regarding the consolidation of peace and stability as well as in achieving a sustainable and inclusive development.
The specific objectives of this contract are the following:
1) Enhanced awareness of EU values, priorities and policies, in particular on peace, sustainable development, social inclusion and protection of the environment.
2) Increased knowledge and understanding of the EU’s activities in the areas of: dialogue with Sierra Leonean stakeholders, peace, human rights and democracy, governance, gender equality, development cooperation, multilateralism, trade, investment and culture.
3) The EU’s Global Gateway strategy is promoted.
4) The #TeamEurope approach (the joint efforts of the EU and its Member States as partners of Sierra Leone) is strengthened by improved visibility of joint activities.
5) Increased visibility of the EU and its cooperation activities.
6) Increased visibility of the impact of the EU support in Sierra Leone for the Sierra Leonean people.
7) Improved coverage of EU in Sierra Leone both in terms of quantity and quality across print, broadcast and social media.
8) Shifted public perception of the EU from mere provider of development assistance to reliable strategic partner.