Project reference


Contract duration

 2023 - 2025






 Agriculture, Communication & media, Forestry, Trade

Traceability for export products and sustainability in Argentina

Global objective
The global objective of the project is to strengthen the EU’s engagement with Argentina on external impacts of EU Green Deal policies and regulatory frameworks, with emphasis on the regulation on deforestation and forest degradation, through the use of EU’s digital tools.
Specific objective(s)
  • Engage with key stakeholders in Argentina to enhance understanding and alleviate concerns on the objective and content of the identified regulations, with emphasis on deforestation and forest degradation;
  • Identify the necessary steps to either implement or support already existing effective traceability systems for Argentinian exports to the EU market, taking into account the deforestation and forest degradation regulation;
  • Identify the most relevant space-based technologies and data, including their combination, to be used to support Argentina’s effort to comply with the zero-deforestation supply chain regulation;
  • Promote the use of already available technological tools within the public and private sector alike, in particular Copernicus-based imagery and support the development of ad-hoc services through the Copernicus Regional centres in Chile and Panama or through the JRC and the European Union Space Programme Agency-EUSPA;
  • Promote the development of pilot projects and use cases to demonstrate the potential of using satellite-based technologies to develop traceability systems facilitating compliance with the Regulation as well as in other areas such as environmental protection;
  • Support outreach efforts towards the main stakeholders to increase awareness among the main private and public stakeholders over the tools offered by the EU in support of Argentina and promote the uptake of EU Space technologies;
  • Support the dialogue on space-based services with institutions, companies and CSOs through the organisation of high-level events, the creation and animation of cross-sectoral networks and promote synergies with similar EU-funded actions.