Project reference


Contract duration

 2023 - 2024




 Africa (Western)


 Monitoring & Evaluation

Final Evaluation of the Support to the Protection of the Most Vulnerable Migrants in West Africa (PROMISA)

The main objectives of this evaluation were to provide the relevant EU services and interested stakeholders with overall independent analysis of the performance of the intervention T05-EUTF-SAH-REG-13, with particular attention to its different levels of results compared to its intended objectives, and the reasons for these results. The resulting good practices, key lessons, conclusions and recommendations for improving future interventions.
In particular, this evaluation :
- Served to inform the reflection for the next strategic programming in the sector and draw replicable lessons to other EU interventions in the protection of migrants sector and in the Sahel/Lake Chad region and countries targeted by the intervention and this evaluation.
- Reported on the use of EU resources in relation to the results of the intervention T05-EUTF-SAH-REG-13.
- Identified the relevance, added value and success of implementing a regional approach to the protection aspects of migrants, as well as the limitations of this approach.
- Learnt about the added value and limitations of cooperation with national/local authorities in partner countries (with a view to their ownership and capacity-building in this sector), as well as with the United Nations and in particular IOM.
- Learnt about the added value and limitations of the instruments, approaches and modalities used in the implementation of the intervention and its three respective contracts; and also about how to make future interventions more sustainable in the sector and maximise the positive effects of interventions in the sector of action.


 EuroPlus (Lead)