Project reference


Contract duration

 2023 - 2025



Global Development Delivery (GDD) Framework Agreement - Lot 10 – Education, Gender and Social Inclusion

Under this framework agreement, suppliers will provide advice and expertise to FCDO in the thematic areas of education, gender and social inclusion. The exact services provided will be determined through call-down contracts.
In terms of education, the services will notably promote learning for marginalised children at primary and secondary school levels, with a focus on children with disabilities, out of school children, children affected by crises, and hard to reach girls.
Gender equality is a cross-cutting issue for all FCDO work, and an explicit focus in fragile, conflict and humanitarian settings. The expected services will notably focus on strengthening national systems, working in partnership with private sector and civil society.
The services on social inclusion aim at addressing the underlying structural causes of poverty and inclusion, working in multi-dimensional approaches.


 WEglobal (Lead), Agriconsulting Italia, Particip