Project reference


Contract duration

 2023 - 2026






 Civil society, Human rights

Support Facility on the Implementation of country allocations of the Human Rights and Democracy Thematic Programme

The overall objective of the service contract is to enhance the implementation of EU actions promoting and protecting human rights and democracy in partner countries under the NDICI Human Rights and Democracy Thematic Programme.
This support aims more specifically at ensuring the three following specific objectives:
1. Provide technical support to EU staff and beneficiaries in the implementation of the Human Rights and Democracy Thematic Programme.
2. Provide timely and accurate quality check of projects encoded in OPSYS.
3. Produce ad hoc studies and/or evaluations related to results and/or the monitoring of the grants for CSOs at country level.
The global and specific objectives of this request for service will contribute to the working principles of the NDICI Human Rights and Democracy Thematic Programme: The human rights-based approach and gender equality.


 Particip (Lead), EPRD, NCG Denmark