Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2024






 Institutional development, Monitoring & Evaluation, PCM / Logframe

FPI Project implementation and monitoring support - PIMS

Global objective:
=The overall objective of the assignment is to further strengthen the capacity of the staff of the EC (including FPI, line DGs, EEAS and EUDs) and the Implementing Partners involved in the design, monitoring and implementation of FPI-funded actions in line with results-based management principles.
Specific objective(s)
The specific objectives are to:
  • Increase the capacity of EC and Implementing Partners' staff to design, implement and monitor EU-funded actions managed by FPI;
  • Improve the quality of interventions and the achievement and reporting of their respective results.
The consultant is requested to perform the following services:
  • Task 1. Training for FPI Operational Managers, implementing partners and line DGs on the LogFrame Matrices (LFM), indicators, monitoring and reporting.
  • Task 2 Coaching for FPI Operational Managers and Implementing Partners.
  • Task 3 Ad-hoc guidance and technical assistance to FPI Operational Managers and implementing Partners.
  • Task 4 Support to the continued enhancement of the monitoring system and results reporting to FPI.4
  • 3-monthly reports summarising feedback received and issues identified as well as proposed recommendations for improvement, and where relevant, support to implement the solutions retained;
  • Any necessary guidance document.
Required outputs
  • The number of staff from FPI and implementing partners with programming, monitoring and evaluation expertise is increased;
  • The quality of the design of programming/action documents is improved;
  • The quality of action/intervention level and FPI-level reporting on results is improved.


 Particip (Lead), Idem Concept