Project reference


Contract duration







 Agriculture, Environment, Food and nutrition

PVB Comoros - Formulation of a green and blue pact in Comoros

The general objective of this contract was to contribute to the implementation of the 2021-2027 cooperation programme between the Union of Comoros and the European Union in terms of improving food security and sustainable management of natural resources.
The specific objective of this contract was to formulate a "Green & Blue Pact programme integrated to the territorial specificities of the Comoros”, financed under the EU Delegation's 2022 Action Programme (AAP 2022).
This EUR 20 million programme aimed to:
  • promote the conservation and community-based integrated sustainable management of natural resources, biodiversity and terrestrial/coastal and marine ecosystems;
  • improve the sustainability of food systems with an impact on food security and nutrition of the population;
  • strengthen the dynamics of institutional and local governance through planning and monitoring-evaluation tools, adapted to the challenges and specificities of the territory.


 Particip (Lead), CAPA EEIG (managed by Particip), Expertise Advisors (formerly: ETI Consulting)