Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2024





The Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) TOGO

The overall objective of the assessment mission is to assess the performance of the public finance management system using the PEFA methodology and the different developments since the previous assessment in 2016.
The assessment mission should be able to explain the changes observed and the degree of sustainability of the improvements observed by identifying the factors that contributed to the progress (or lack of progress) recorded compared to the previous assessment.
The results of this assessment will allow the formulation of new reform measures that will allow the updating of the Public Finance Management Reform Action Plan.
The periodic measurement of public finance management performance by national stakeholders and technical assistance missions are regularly taken into account and enrich the action plan.
The results will feed into the analytical work of the Technical and Financial Partners group on economic governance and facilitate a concerted dialogue between TFPs and the government on reforms.
By integrating a gender module, the report will highlight the progress and challenges of the public finance system in Togo with regard to gender equality, in particular the development and implementation of gender budgeting, and will show the efforts already made by Togo and the challenges that remain with regard to gender.
The environmental protection module will also allow Togo to measure progress and make adjustments to improve the country's performance in this area.


 ADE (Lead), Particip