Project reference


Contract duration

 2022 - 2023








 Environment, Monitoring & Evaluation, Public finance/budgeting

Evaluation of Finland's International Climate Finance

The ultimate purpose of the forward-looking evaluation was two-fold. Firstly, it informed the MFA on the effectiveness, coherence and relevance of climate finance and what kind of results had been achieved with the various development policy and cooperation instruments over the period 2016-22. Secondly, the evaluation provided information and supported the implementation and further development of the Action Plan for Finland’s Public International Climate Finance to maximize the effectiveness and impact of Finland’s climate finance, especially regarding long-term planning and coordination of climate finance as a whole.
The specific objectives of the evaluation were
  • To assess the results of Finland’s international climate finance and policy influencing in directing finance, with due consideration of the opportunities and barriers at both national and global levels
  • To assess the relevance and coherence of Finland’s international climate finance
  • To assess the functioning of partnerships and co-operation in climate change mitigation and adaptation and whether the current balance of partnerships of Finnish influencing is optimal
  • To study relevant peer countries’ experiences in order to learn best practices
  • To provide well-justified and evidence-based recommendations on how the MFA together with relevant stakeholders could further improve their actions for a more effective, coherent and relevant response to developing countries’ climate finance needs and for funding priorities through the different cooperation instruments


 Particip (Lead), NIRAS